Cross-Country Skiing Event on the Karhunkierros Wilderness Trail
Ruka, Kuusamo
The event is on hold.
Immerse yourself in the exhilaration of skiing amidst Ruka’s stunning landscapes at the NUTS SKI event! Glide along trails that weave through sparkling snowfields and dense spruce forests. This event is crafted for all cross-country skiing enthusiasts who wish to experience the traditional Finnish skiing culture, spiced with a taste of competition and adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned skier or newly enchanted by the first snow, NUTS SKI Ruka invites you to an unforgettable Nordic skiing adventure in the heart of winter’s magic.
Classic Style
Point-to-Point Race
Two Distances
Race or Tour
Participant Information
Event Center and Finish Line
The bib pickup and finish line for NUTS SKI Ruka are located at:
Rukan kylä, Rukankyläntie, 93825 Rukatunturi Google-map ›
60 km Start
Oulangan luontokeskus, Liikasenvaarantie 132, 93900 Kuusamo Google-map »
Please note! There is approximately a 1 km walk to the starting line at Kiutaköngäs.
34 km Start
Basecamp Oulanka, Myllykoskentie 33, 93900 Kuusamo Google-map »
Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin.
60 km
Gear up for a memorable 60 km skiing adventure that takes you straight into the heart of Finnish nature. The first 26 km are pure wilderness, where you can almost hear the cheers of legendary lumberjack skiers from decades past echoing from the depths of the forest. 🌲
The starting point is the enchanting center of Oulanka National Park, Oulanka Visitor Centre / Kiutaköngäs. The trail is groomed in the spirit of the 1980s using a snowmobile, and the first aid station awaits you after 19 km, just past the crossing of Päähkänäkalliontie. From there, we head to Juuma’s Wilderness Stop, descending into the white embrace of the frozen Ala-Juuma Lake. 🏔️
From this point onward, the route merges with the NUTS SKI Ruka 34 km trail, offering more breathtaking views and heart-pumping moments. 🎿
34 km
Picture yourself at the Basecamp, ready to embark on a 34 km ski journey filled with natural beauty and challenging moments. 🎿 We start from the ice of Ala-Juuma Lake and head towards Rukatunturi along the Juuma-Virkkula ski trail. The first aid station awaits you in Virkkula village, where you can refuel for the next leg of the journey. 🍌
After crossing Virkkulantie, the journey continues towards Valtavaara. Then, we descend on the Vuosseli trail towards Lammintupa café, where the second aid station offers refreshments and support. ☕
From Lammintupa, we continue along the Vuosseli trail towards Uuttusuota. Here, we enjoy the downhill thrill of Juhannuskallio before turning towards Ruka’s pedestrian village. 🛷
The finish line awaits you on the ice of Kaltiolampi at Rukatunturi, where you can celebrate your achievement and enjoy the communal atmosphere. 🏁
If you’re participating in the Tour Series “Retkisarja”, there’s no pressure – this series is not about competing, but about enjoying the experience! 🌲 Results will not be published, but you will receive a personal certificate via email, where you can check your own time. The start is flexible: you can begin at your own pace within the time window after the race start.
If you’re looking for extra excitement, the Race Series “Kisasarja” is for you! 🏆 In this series, the top three fastest men and women will be awarded, and results will also be published by age categories. You will receive a certificate via email, showing both your time and your placement. The Race Series starts either with interval starts or in small group starts.
If you want to make your journey to the starting point smoother, you can reserve a seat on the bus transportation when you register. 🚌 This service accommodates both you and your skis, so you can focus solely on your upcoming skiing adventure!
Don’t worry about extra warm-up clothes – you can leave them at the start in a gear bag, which will be returned to you at the Ruka race center. 🎒 Remember to mark your gear bag with the number tag provided, which can be found at the bottom of your participant number.
Participants have the opportunity to shower after the race at the facilities of the Kumpare Shopping Center. Access to the shower facilities is granted by showing your race number at the Ruka Tourist Information point. Please bring your own towel.
Tapahtuma on erämaahiihto: matkalla on kattava huoltopisteiden verkosto 12–20 kilometrin välein.
Huoltopisteillä on tarjolla muun muassa urheilujuomaa, sipsiä, suklaata, suolakurkkua ja banaania.
Maalissa palautus käynnistyy maittavalla keitolla ja lämpimällä juomalla!
[table “4” not found /]- Download the 112 app on your phone and save the event’s first aid and race control number: +358406605281.
- If you encounter an accident on the route that prevents you from proceeding, call the organizer. It’s essential to have your phone with you to call for help for yourself or other participants. If you need to withdraw, try to reach the next aid station, from where we will ensure your safe return to the race center. Remember to inform the race control about your withdrawal.
- You are participating in a wilderness ski event. The majority of the route is accessible only by snowmobile. Therefore, manage your energy and strength wisely to ensure a safe completion of the route while enjoying the scenery.
- The trail is mostly a narrow multi-use trail with a classic ski track. All participants should be considerate of other trail users. In overtaking situations, notify the person ahead well in advance with a loud voice of your intention to pass.
- The route includes several fast downhills and steep uphills, requiring good skiing skills. Leave a generous safety distance to the skier ahead of you when descending! Walking beside the trail is allowed, so feel free to carry your skis in challenging terrain sections.
- There are a few road crossings along the route. Please be attentive and considerate of other road users.